The usual props of daily life have fallen away. Routines are disrupted, or exploded into bits. Not only the outward structures of work, travel, shopping, exercise, meals, and family that provide a container for regular life, but our inner structures, too, have been...
Fifty years ago today, as a freshman in high school, I walked the streets of Lexington, Massachusetts, with a parade of others, picking up trash. It was the first Earth Day, a joyful celebration of the beauty of the world, and a pledge to clean it up. It was such a...
Dear Friends, I am on the other side, now, but the passage through Holy Week, in my solitude, was intense. The up/down/way down/way way up emotional and spiritual journey of Jesus possessed me. From his palm-strewn parade into Jerusalem to hanging on a cross to die,...
Easter Sunday O Divine Light, in the darkness of this hour we watch and we waitas you shed your brightness once again upon a frightened and hurting world. We pray that by your Light, new light is kindled in our hearts that we may become beacons of your Love and...
For the past several days, as I have been walking at Church of the Woods, my eyes and feet have been guided toward nothing. More precisely, I have been drawn to holes. To dark pools, to hollows, to empty places where nothing seems present. In this, I think, I am being...